Friday, July 31, 2015

Tazkirah Tafsir "bermaafan di bulan Syawal"

Tazkirah Tafsir "bermaafan di bulan syawwal ☺ "


Oleh: Abdullah Bukhari bin Abdul Rahim.

Penderitaan Yusuf bukan sikit. Ia melibatkan derita fizikal dan luka jiwa. Hanya kerana “hasad cinta” ayahanda mereka, Yusuf diperlakukan sedemikian rupa. Jika tidak kerana abangnya mengorak langkah membuangnya ke dalam perigi, pastinya Yusuf tidak akan merana tubuh dan hati terpisah dari ayah tercinta selama puluhan tahun. Yusuf pasti tidak derita malu dijual sebagai hamba. Yusuf pasti tidak akan derita digoda wanita Mesir. Paling perit sekali, Yusuf pasti tidak akan derita dikurung seperti haiwan dalam penjara Mesir tanpa apa kesalahan.

Nah! Pada hari itu, Yusuf berdiri tegak di hadapan para penzalimnya. Kuasa penuh di tangan baginda. Boleh sahaja mereka itu dihumban tersungkur ke dalam perigi, kemudian mereka dijual penuh hina sebagai hamba. Tidak cukup dengan itu, Yusuf juga boleh memenjarakan mereka selama mungkin sehingga mereput dalam penjara tanpa khabar berita. Tapi bukan begitu lakunya Yusuf. Allah merekodkan “kisah agung sikap pemaaf” yang sangat indah di akhir surah Yusuf:

قَالَ هَلْ عَلِمْتُمْ مَا فَعَلْتُمْ بِيُوسُفَ وَأَخِيهِ إِذْ أَنْتُمْ جَاهِلُونَ (89) قَالُوا أَئِنَّكَ لَأَنْتَ يُوسُفُ قَالَ أَنَا يُوسُفُ وَهَذَا أَخِي قَدْ مَنَّ اللَّهُ عَلَيْنَا إِنَّهُ مَنْ يَتَّقِ وَيَصْبِرْ فَإِنَّ اللَّهَ لَا يُضِيعُ أَجْرَ الْمُحْسِنِينَ (90)

Ertinya: Yusuf berkata: "Tahukah kamu (betapa buruknya) apa yang kamu telah lakukan kepada Yusuf dan adiknya, semasa kamu masih jahil (tentang buruknya perbuatan yang demikian)?" Mereka bertanya (dengan hairan): "Engkau ini Yusufkah? " Ia menjawab: "Akulah Yusuf dan ini adikku (Bunyamin). Sesungguhnya Allah telah mengurniakan nikmatNya kepada kami. Sebenarnya sesiapa yang bertaqwa dan bersabar, maka sesungguhnya Allah tidak menghilangkan pahala orang-orang yang berbuat kebaikan (Yusuf [12:89-90]).

Taqwa dan sabar! Itulah 2 kunci yang membantu Yusuf bertahan dan bebas dari segala ujian dunia yang dihadapinya selama ini. Setelah identiti Yusuf terdedah, rasa bersalah mulai menerjah masuk hati abang baginda, lalu dengan malu dan insaf mereka memohon maaf. Membalas dendam ketika kuasa penuh di tangan? Tidak sama sekali! Subhanallah! Memang Yusuf manusia kuat yang sangat hebat kerana mampu memaafkan kesilapan saudaranya ketika “MAMPU MEMBALAS DENGAN PENUH KUASA.” Bahkan baginda tanpa bertangguh terus memaafkan mereka:

قَالُوا تَاللَّهِ لَقَدْ آَثَرَكَ اللَّهُ عَلَيْنَا وَإِنْ كُنَّا لَخَاطِئِينَ (91) قَالَ لَا تَثْرِيبَ عَلَيْكُمُ الْيَوْمَ يَغْفِرُ اللَّهُ لَكُمْ وَهُوَ أَرْحَمُ الرَّاحِمِينَ (92)

Ertinya: Mereka berkata: "Demi Allah! Sesungguhnya Allah telah melebihkan dan memuliakan engkau daripada kami (disebabkan taqwa dan kesabaranmu); dan sesungguhnya kami adalah orang-orang yang bersalah". “YUSUF BERKATA: "KAMU PADA HARI INI TIDAK AKAN DITEMPELAK ATAU DISALAHKAN (TENTANG PERBUATAN KAMU YANG TELAH TERLANJUR ITU), SEMOGA ALLAH MENGAMPUNKAN DOSA KAMU, DAN DIA LAH JUA YANG MAHA MENGASIHANI DARIPADA SEGALA YANG LAIN YANG MENGASIHANI” (Yusuf[12:91-92]).

Sejurus selepas pembukaan kota Mekah, para Musyrikin Quraysh yang dahulunya banyak menyakiti Rasulullah SAW tunduk kehinaan berbaris di hadapan baginda. Hati mereka gentar menanti apakah hukuman yang bakal dijatuhkan kepada mereka. Lantas jiwa mereka digegarkan dengan sikap pemaaf baginda:

أقول كما قال يوسف : لا تثريب عليكم اليوم يغفر الله لكم وهو أرحم الراحمين


Mustahil untuk kita dilantik menjadi nabi selepas Yusuf AS dan Muhammad SAW, namun kita mampu memiliki akhlak “PEMAAF KETIKA MAMPU MEMBALAS” seperti mereka. Insya Allah, akhlak itu akan menjadi punca pengampunan dosa kita yang bertimbun dan menjadi sebab kita dikumpulkan bersama para nabi di akhirat kelak:

وَلَا يَأْتَلِ أُولُو الْفَضْلِ مِنْكُمْ وَالسَّعَةِ أَنْ يُؤْتُوا أُولِي الْقُرْبَى وَالْمَسَاكِينَ وَالْمُهَاجِرِينَ فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ وَلْيَعْفُوا وَلْيَصْفَحُوا أَلَا تُحِبُّونَ أَنْ يَغْفِرَ اللَّهُ لَكُمْ وَاللَّهُ غَفُورٌ رَحِيمٌ

Ertinya: Dan janganlah orang-orang yang berharta serta lapang hidupnya dari kalangan kamu, bersumpah tidak mahu lagi memberi bantuan kepada kaum kerabat dan orang-orang miskin serta orang-orang yang berhijrah pada jalan Allah; “DAN (SEBALIKNYA) HENDAKLAH MEREKA MEMAAFKAN SERTA MELUPAKAN KESALAHAN ORANG-ORANG ITU; TIDAKKAH KAMU SUKA SUPAYA ALLAH MENGAMPUNKAN DOSA KAMU? DAN (INGATLAH) ALLAH MAHA PENGAMPUN LAGI MAHA MENGASIHANI” (al-Nur[24:22]).

Memaafkan kesilapan orang memang sukar dan pahit, manakala membiarkan hati dilamun benci dendam pula sangat enak rasanya kerana ia sudah direncahkan “perisa aji-no-moto” adunan syaitan. Walaupun sedap rasanya, kesan sampingan kepada jiwa juga parah sepertimana parahnya kesan sampingan perisa tersebut kepada fizikal. Memaafkan manusia memang pahit, namun percayalah ianya adalah ubat berkesan untuk menenangkan jiwa dan mendapat rahmat Allah. Pilihlah yang pahit lagi menyihatkan hati dan tinggalkanlah yang sedap tapi bakal merosakkan jiwa.

* Dapatkan nota Tafsir terdahulu di:

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Oldest Niece - Nordinar Yusuf

She was the oldest amongst my late parents-in-law's grandchildren. She has seven children, six sons and a daughter.

She left us yesterday, 28th July after a long illness, at 4am at KPJ Shah Alam.  She was Nordinar aka Mehram. 

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Weddings....Raya Open House....

Hubby and I attended two weddings and a Raya Open House today.  We were at a wedding at Taman Tun Dr Ismail when hubby's friend reminded him of another wedding at Shah Alam. Hehehee......hubby completely forgot re the Shah Alam wedding.

Then from Shah Alam we went to Bkt Jelutong for Raya Open House at Dato'Faizul Kamaruddin.  Most of hubbu's CIT buddies were there too.

We were driving home when hubby received a call from Kak Peah.  She and her family were coming to our house for Raya visit after Maghrib.

So when I reached home and after solat Asar I began cooking fried mee hoon, Liza Fried Rice and Pengat Durian.

Sofiyah and Wahid helped to set the table for our buffet dinner.  Everything were ready when Kak Peah and family arrived.  Her hubby, children and grandchildren too.  Alhamdullillah.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Raya Visitors @Mak's abode

I drove alone to Mak's abode after doing the house chores.  First I went to the pharmacy in Rasah to buy a jerry can of Dettol and also Mak's Teana adults' pampers.  I have tried other brands of adults pampers and found that Teana suited Mak very well.

When I reached Mak's abode, Abah was dozing in his lazy chair.  I gently woke him up and kissed his hand and also both his cheeks.  Then I went to dear Mak and she was watching TV so I kissed her hand and both her cheeks and also I gave her my big hugs.  I missed them both so much.

Then when Abah told me he had not had lunch and I was also hungry I went to buy chicken kebabs for the three of us.  The Restoren Nasi Arab Damsyik was the only restaurant opened that day near Mak's abode.

I began vacumming and moping the whole house after I did my solat zuhur.  I was quite exhausted and wanted to nap awhile when we had an unexpected visitor all the way from Paya Jaras Selangor.

It was my cousin's son and daughter with her family too.  Diyana  Damiah is my cousin (Datuk Prof Hj Hamdan Adnan and his wife Datin Ani) eldest daughter.  It was nice of her to visit my parents this Raya.  Thus she now takes over the visit which her parents usually did every Raya.

When Diyana left I was getting ready to leave after solat Asar when another group of Raya guests arrived.  They were Mak's relatives all the way from Gemas.  So again I have to entertain them. 

I finally left at 6.45pm and drove home to Kajang.  I reached home an hour later.  It was raining all the way from Seremban. 

Then after solat Eshaq, hubby, Wahid, Sofiyah and I went to our neighbour's house for Raya Open House.  The mutton curry served was delicious cooked by Tuan Haji Roslan who bought the mutton from our farm in Pedas.  Alhamdullillah.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Chalet Number Two

Hubby left for Sg Panjang very early this morning.  He wanted to tapau breakfast for me but I said not necessary.  I wanted to continue my sleep....

But then I could not sleep....."I dont want to sleep alone.....stay with me.....dont go....."😆😆😆 I remembered the lyrics but not the singer.....

So I had my bath and made Nescafe.  When wifi suddenly became unreachable, I went to the lobby and surf the net there.

We checked out at noon and since I was very very hungry, we had lunch at Sekinchan again....since in Sekinchan only got restaurants already open for business during first week of Raya.

At the Kuala Selangor wet market hubby bought fresh seafood before we head home.  Alhamdullillah we reached home safely.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Evening Ride to Sg Besar

After breakfast this morning I began ironing two basin full of clothing....hubby's and me.  Managed to complete ironing by three o'clock. Alhamdullillah.

Then I began packing an overnight bag since I would be following dear hubby to Sungai Besar. 

We began our journey at 6pm and whilst driving along LATAR I took this sunset picture as shown below.  We stopped for solat Maghrib/Eshaq at a Masjid in Kuala Selangor.

Hubby asked me whether I was hungry and when I said yes, we stopped for dinner at an Ikan Bakar restaurant in Sekinchan.  I was so hungry that I ordered keropok with cili sauce whilst waiting for the Ikan bakar and side dishes to arrive. 

We then continued our journey to Sungai Besar and checked into our favourite DeMuara Resort.  Our room was water chalet no.2 (wifi reachable). When we entered the lobby I noticed they have renovated the lobby and it looked nice.

It was low tide when we arrived so we could not hear the waves under our chalet.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

0ur First Raya Visitor

We were honoured when Imam Masjid Kajang Tuan Haji Mohd Fazri Ismail and family visited us after eshaq on fifth Raya. Alhamdullillah. He came with his dear mom, lovely wife and two adorable childen and nephew.

Since Imam had informed that he was coming I cooked Liza fried rice and fried mee hoon.  I also fried instant karipap bought from Hjh Maznah.

Hubby was about to leave for solat Eshaq at the Masjid when Imam and family arrived.  So I welcomed his family into our house whilst Imam Fazri and hubby went to the Masjid. It was Imam's turn to lead solat Eshaq at the Masjid.

Then it was a surprise when our nephew Zamrul aka Boy arrived the same time when Imam and hubby returned from the Masjid.  Boy brought dodol and wajiq durian which his mother cooked and also dodol sirat which he bought. Alhamdullillah.

After Imam and his family left, Boy stayed on and we chit chatted until almost 3am.Thank you Imam Fazri and family, and Boy for the Raya visit.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Raya Fourth @ Rumah Liza

I cooked fried mee hoon for breakfast this morning.  The children were still sleeping when hubby and I went Raya visiting our next door neighbour.  They were having brunch when we arrived.

They offered us to join them but we thank them since we already had our breakfast.  They were also nice to our young farmhands, always giving them extra food either for lunch or dinner.

When my children had their bath in the new outdoor bathroom, they really enjoyed it even without hot shower, me too....heheehe... Wahid really tickled us when he said if use the toilet in the afternoon better use the left side because of the bright sunlight on the right side.  He knew because he chose the right side when he was using the toilet. 😅😅😅

After our solat zuhur we left Rumah Liza and drove to  Taman Desa Kepong in Kuala Lumpur to visit my Pak Long Tuan Haji Adnan Yunus.

When we arrived we met Kak Lina and family there.  Pak Long has lost weight a lot.  His face was so thin. I felt so sad looking at him.  My Pak Long who called me "katak kembung" fondly when I was little.  O Allah, please forgive all my Pak Long's sins and grant him good health again.  Aamiinn.  Pak Long I love you.

From Pak Long's abode we went to Mak Jang's house at Klana Jaya, but she was not home.  So we returned to Kajang.

Alhamdullillah we reached home safely.

(Photos of Pak Long and Mak Long....courtesy of their daughter Puan Rohaya Adnan)

Sunday, July 19, 2015

First Raya Visitor @Rumah Liza

Hubby left for Tanjong Malim after solat Fajr.  I then did the laundry and had my bath at our outdoor open air shower bathroom.... Showering under the blue sky and can also watch the mangosteen, durian and coconut trees above. Also......spotted a squirrel watching me....never mind lah.....

Then when Wahid woke up we borrowed the scooter from our farmhands and rode to the mini market in Pedas town.  I bought groceries and also Tenggiri and cucumber....all that was left at the wet mini mart.

For lunch I cooked tenggiri masak lemak cili api with the belimbing buluh plucked from our belimbing tree at Rumah Liza, goring ikan masin sepat, omelette and sliced cucumber.  Oh yaa......sambal gesek ikan bilis too. Yum yum yummy....

I was cooking pengat durian when brother Burn arrived.  He brought along 30 tubs of fresh tempoyaks which we bought from him.  Wahid then stored it in our freezer. 

Bro Burn then had Gardenia bread dip into the pengat durian with Wahid and me.  Sofiyah was watching TV whilst Khairul was having a nap.  Hubby was still in Tanjung Malim.

After bro Burn left I set the table for hubby's dinner.  Alhamdullillah hubby arrived just before Maghrib. 

Then after we solat Eshaq berjamaah.....we went to our sister-in-law's (kak Hj Faridah) abode for our Raya visit.  Her only daughter Liyana and family were also there.  kak Faridah gave us dodol and wajik durian which she and her children cooked when we left her abode.  Alhamdullillah.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Eid Mubarak @Rumah Liza

Yesterday after solat Eid Mubarak we visited my eldest brother-in-law Tuan Hj Zakaria Budin and his family.  Then off to Langat to visit brother-in-law Tuan Hj Abu Bakar Budin aka Bro Burn.  After that to Taman Tun and then to dear parent's abode in Seremban. 

After solat Maghrib we visited brother-in-law Tuan Hj Mohd Noh Budin aka Bang gudang.  Then to sister-in-law's  Puan Hjh Zaitun Budin abode. 

We then returned to Rumah Liza for a good night sleep. Alhamdullillah.

So this morning for breakfast hubby bought roti canai with my brother Zulkifly.  There was a long queue at the restaurant that was why hubby took so long.

Kak ngah and hubby left for Kota Tinggi after we took our family photos at Rumah Liza.  Kak Long and her family were missing because they left for Naka Kedah last night.

Then after solat Zuhur we drove to Juasseh to visit my Makcik Zaleha, my Abah's sole sibling.  Kak Long Norchaya, my cousin, were there with her children and grandchildren.

The journey to Seremban from Juaaseh were slow because of heavy traffic.  I slept all tbe way to brother-in-law Tuan Hj Mohd Razali Budin's abode.  But there were no one home. So we left and went to Mak's abode to meet my youngest brother Zulfitri and his family.  We left Mak's abode after solat maghrib and since we were all very hungry we had our dinner at a Tom yam restaurant on our way to Rumah Liza.

Alhamdullillah we reached Rumah Liza safely.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Eid Mubarak 1436

This will be our last solat Eid Mubarak at Masjid Kajang.  The Masjid will be demolished end of Syawal.  In shaa Allah  a new Masjid will be built and ready in two years'time.  So we all had our solat Eid this morning, Alhamdullillah.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Ramadan - Day Twenty Nine

Today is the last day of Ramadan.  Tomorrow is first Syawal....Eid Mubarak. O Allah your humble servant hopes to meet the next Ramadan but if this is my last Ramadan, please forgive all my sins and grant me jannah. Aamiinn.

During this Ramadan I khatam the noble Quran on twenty eight Ramadan.  I also qiam every night...solat tahajudd, read the noble Quran and made doas seeking forgiveness for all my sins, my parents, my hubby and my children and all mukminin and mukminat. Then only I had sahoor.

As usual on the eve of Eid Mubarak I cooked Ketupat, Rendang Ayam and Daging and also my favourite kuah kacang.  Hubby and the children assisted me. Alhamdullillah.

During iftar all my children, sons-in-law and grandson were seated at the dining table feasting on the dishes I cooked today.  Alhamdullillah.

Then after solat Maghrib with hubby being the Imam, we did Takbir Eid Mubarak. 

After solat Eshaq we all went outside where hubby brought out the picnic table and I laid out the plastic mat.  Amin our son-in-law then lighted the fireworks and it was awesome.  Muhammad our grandson were so thrilled seeing the fireworks. 

Alhamdullillah I was so happy that everyone were home celebrating Eid Mubarak. ❤❤❤

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Ramadan - Day Twenty Eight

Hubby and I had our sahoor at the hotel itself.  There were Nasi Lemak, Fried Kuetiaw, Roti Canai, White Rice, Asam Pedas, Mixed Vegetables etc.... plenty to choose from.  Alhamdullillah.

After sahoor I returned to our room whilst hubby went to Masjid Negeri for solat fajr.

We checked out half an hour before noon and went to Mak's abode to get the medicine prescription for Abah.  Since my brother Zulkifly were at Mak's abode too, he then followed hubby to KK Ampangan to collect Abah's medicine.

The KPJ home nursing staff were about to leave after bathing Mak.  I gave them duit Raya from hubby and me. 

We left Mak's abode and drove to Pedas.  Hubby and I then went to Tanah Perkuburan Pedas to visit hubby's parents' graves. We offered our doas that Allah forgives arwah Abah and Emak's past sins and gives them Jannah. Aamiinn.

Hubby then had a meeting with his staff re their leaves during Raya.  We now have five farmhands all from Lombok and our sole local female clerk. Alhamdullillah.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Outdoor Bathroom - Ready for Use

Homestay Rumah Liza's outdoor bathrooms are now ready for use.  Alhamdullillah. 

Our contractor managed to complete the bathrooms before Eid Mubarak.

Ramadan - Day Twenty Seven

Khairul sent me to Kajang train station after solat zuhur.  The station itself was undergoing a massive renovation thus the entrance to the station was moved to the multi level carpark entrance next door.  Sadly there was no ramp to drag my cabin size luggage, so have to carry it down the steep and narrow staircase.  

The train to Seremban arrived half an hour later.  It was packed with passengers, mostly students returning home for Raya.  I had to stand until Nilai before I could get a seat.  I felt sad because none of the young passengers cared to offer me a seat.  I dont mind because I could remain standing all the way to Seremban, but where are their compassion?? Did not they feel any sympathy to see a senior citizen standing infront of them and worst still, ignoring their existence?? When I was their age I easily gave up my seat for the elderly in a public transport, so did those in my generation.  

When I finally reached Seremban, it was almost four o'clock.  It was hot and sunny too.  Since the hotel Royale Bintang was quite close to the station,I decided to walk there.  But I had to cross the main road to reach the other side.  There were four lanes....and traffic was heavy..... I managed to cross until the third lane with cars whizzing infront and behind me.  Masyallah.....I was risking my life indeed crossing this busy road...until a very courteous driver halted his car a few feet away and waved his hand ushering me to cross.  Alhamdullillah I reached the other side safely.  Thank you courteous driver.  May Allah Bless you and your family.  Aamiinn.

I then walked pass the shopping mall, A & W, KWSP, KGV and also a Church beside KGV.  Infront of KWSP was a lady selling YAKULT so I bought RM5 from her.

Finally I reached the hotel and checked into room 510 (smoking floor).  That was the only room left with a KING size bed.  When I entered the room it smelt of ciggarette smoke.  So I called housekeeping and they sprayed the room with air freshener.  But then when hubby arrived from Tanjong Malim around 6pm hubby too complained the room stank.  So I called housekeeping to rid the ciggy smell at 8pm since we wont be in the room around that time.

I was so happy to meet hubby.  Really missing him much much. We then went to Masjid Negeri for buka puasa and solat Maghrib.  From our room we could see the Masjid Negeri's minarets.

After solat Maghrib, whilst waiting for solat Eshaq and Teraweeh, I read the noble Quran beginning Juzuk 30.  Alhamdulillah I managed to khatam the noble Quran just before azan Eshaq. 

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