Saturday, June 5, 2021

After Nikah Photo with Family

We all wore our Raya bajus for the family photoshoot with the bride and groom, Wahiduzzaman and Norashafida. Kak long and kak Ngah with their families could not make it because of the lockdown and also because both our cucus Medina and Mediha had influenza. 

We took the family pictures after our Eshaq prayers. Alhamdulillah.

We hope and pray that the Covid19 pandemic will be over soonest so that we can have a proper wedding celebration for Wahid and Nora. In shaa Allah.

Little Zada not in picture because she was fast asleep after having her nenen. Zada is now a month old. Alhamdulillah.

Hehehe.....romantic ya!

Wahid said he wanted to pose 'like zaman dulu-dulu' with his wife. So here are the pictures.


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