(Bot pic: BSO in the bottle and the unprocessesd BSO in the tiny plastic bag)
This is what my husband and I drank on alternate mornings before breakfast. Mix one teaspoon of Black Seed Oil and one teaspoon of pure honey in half a glass of water. Wait for about 15 mins and drink it. Always use a plastic spoon for this procedure... (sounds like I am about to do surgery... heheehe..) Never use other than plastic because it will decrease the honey's medicinal values, also you can dispose the spoon after each use.... (not necessary lah.... can wash it and use it again... hahahhaaa)
Anyway, I first drank this potion when I was performing Hajj with my husband in 2006. A student in Mecca introduced me to this Black Seed Oil. I read the pamphlet he gave me and among the benefits of consuming BSO, is reducing hair loss (my husband was definitely interested in this one, because he was slowwwwly loosing hair in the middle of his head!), increase libido (which we were both extremely interested in... hehehehee) and anti-aging (for the face of course... Method: Mix one teaspoon of BSO and one teaspoon of pure Olive Oil and rub it smoothly all over the face and neck (if you want to) before bedtime. Wash it off after an hour, and voila!! You have a clean face!! Hahhaaahaa....
After three years of consuming the potion, Alhamdullilah, my husband does not become bald.... his 'it' does not fail him.. we enjoy our moments together... and my face free of wrinkles... Thank You Allah.
BTW I could not get the BSO locally. I would have to buy it in Mecca. So, whenever any of my relatives or friends perform the Hajj and Umrah, they would help get it for me there. Alhamdullilah.
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