Saturday, March 9, 2013

Homemade Tandoori Roast Chicken

Photo: Ayam Panggang Tandori. Homemade Tandoori Chicken. (Joha Hassan)


1 kg Peha Ayam - dibuangkan kulit dan dibersihkan dari lemak2nya.
2 sudu besar cili serbuk/kisar
1 sudu besar serbuk kunyit
1 sudu besar serbuk ketumbar
1 sudu besar serbuk jintan halus
1 sudu besar serbuk garam masalah
1 sudu besar serbuk lada hitam
1 sudu teh serbuk fenugreek - halba
1 paket tairu biasa
1 tangkai daun ketumbar bersama akarnya - ditumbuk halus/kisar
4 ulas bawang puih - ditumbuk halus/kisar
1 inch halia - ditumbuk halus/kisar
1 sudu teh pewarna merah
Garam secukup rasa
2 biji lemon - perahan jusnya dan hiasan
2 sudu besar minyak masak
1 biji bawang besar - dihiris tipis (optional - dipanggang bersama ayam dikuali grill)


Peha ayam pada mula mesti di kelar. Supaya rempah dapat di resap pada ayam nya. Gaulkan cili, jus lemon & garam secukup pada peha ayam yang dikelar. Di mangkuk yang lain, siapkan tairu dengan serbuk2 kunyit, ketumbar, jintan halus, garam masalah, gaulkan supaya sebati. Daun ketumbar & akarnya ditumbuk bersama serbuk fenugreek, bawang putih & halia hingga lumat. Gaulkan pada peha2 ayam. Letakan pewarna merah pada yohgurt rempah dan gaulkan pada peha ayam. Biarkan diperap dipeti ais selama 4 - 6jam sebaik2nya. Kalau nak ringkas - 1 jam. Bila hendak memasak, panaskan oven pada 180C - 200C. Keluarkan ayam dan gaulkan bersama minyak masak sedikit. Panggang ayam dioven dan bakar selama 25mins pada suhu 140C - 160C. Bila ayam kelihatan kering, keluarkan dan panggang di kuali grill, panggang supaya mendapatkan tanda2 bakar hitam. Bakar pada api yang sederhana. Taburkan serbuk garam masalah sedikit & hirisan bawang besar di atas ayam semasa dipanggang (optional). Masak ikut cita rasa. Sajikan panas bersama nasi & kari ikan atau kari sayur2an

Memang terbaik resepi ayam ini.. LIKE dan SHARE jika anda suka.. :)

This recipe was shared via Facebook (Joha Hassan)

1 kg drumsticks - remove skin and fat
2 tbsp cili powder/blended
1 tbsp tumeric powder
1 tbsp coriander powder
1 tbsp flennel powder
1 tbsp masalah salt
1 tbsp blackpepper powder
1 tsp fenugreek powder
1 packet youghurt
1 stalk coriander leaves with its root - pounded or blended till fine
4 pcs garlic - pounded or blended till fine
1 inch ginger - pounded or blended till fine
1 tsp red colouring
Salt to taste
2 pcs lemon - squeeze juice and for garnishing
2 tbsp cooking oil
1 large onion - sliced thinly (optional - to roast together with chicken in grill pan)

Use knife to lightly slice drumstick so that the spices are absorbed into the drumsticks. Mix chili, lemon juice and salt into the drumsticks. Using another bowl, prepare the youghurt with the turmeric powder, coriander powder, flennel powder, masalah salt, mix well. Then, coriander leaves and its root pounded with the fenugreek powder, garlic and ginger until it turns into paste. Mix all these into the drumsticks.Add red colouring to the youghurt and spices earlier and then mix all these into the drumsticks too. Marinate in the fridge for 4 - 6 hours. 1 hour also can if want to eat fast. Then heat oven 180C-200C. Remove drumsticks from fridge and mix with the cooking oil. Roast drumsticks in the oven for 25mins at 140C-160C. When the drumsticks look dry, remove from oven and grill it using a pan. Use low heat.Sprinkle with masalah salt and sliced onion onto drumsticks when grilling (optional). Cook to taste. Serve hot with rice and fish curry or vegetable curry.

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